Finding Inspiration When Uninspired

I never dreamt I would be uninspired. Creative types are usually not lacking for inspiration but, where blogs are concerned I have been exactly that. So, how do you overcome this not just with blogs but especially when it comes to the daunting task of planning an event.

For me the starting point is usually one "thing". Maybe it’s a theme, something my clients or I love. An idea that really just becomes a spring board of bunny trails, paths that create a big picture. Sometimes those bunny trails paint a dream myself or my clients have not been able to articulate before.

Weatherwood Events is my example of that.  How to name a business in a way that encapsulates who I am and the image I want to portray?  I went to my starting point, a weathered piece of wood that became the backdrop for the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

The task was to create an outdoor chapel.  Every chapel has doors that you walk through and there is nothing a bride wants more than to create an entrance that steals your breath away. This single idea led to the construction of an arch with two old doors.  The arch became the statement piece holding a few weathered boards that declared the heart of this bride and groom.

                     “I have found the one whom my soul loves..” (Song of Solomon)

It was while painting that calligraphy on a piece of old wood that a dream began to rise up out of me. I was inspired. And from that inspiration the dream of owning my own company began to grow. Helping people bring event vision to life and doing something I knew I was skilled at created the passion to take a risk and go out on my own. And yes there have been jokes about my name choice, I am getting older and weathered….haha.  But to me a piece of weathered wood represents strength from having weathered the storm, wisdom that comes from history, comfort, with a little creativity making the simplest of things beautiful and useful once more.

So if you are planning your own event and are feeling overwhelmed and lacking inspiration, start with one idea.  Find someone to brainstorm with and have fun on the bunny trails, explore them all. The picture those trails paint on the canvas of your mind may just become exactly the inspiration you were hoping for.

And, the bride did get the entrance she was dreaming of....

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Happy Planning

and a shout out to the amazing photographer @PicturedByPetara